Real Property Management Ventura County

It’s Summer! Time to Clean Your Simi Valley Rental Property’s Chimney

Summer is one of the best seasons of the year. Summer holds the promise of fun, vacations, and sunshine for a lot of people. For the owners of single-family rental homes, the arrival of summer also reminds you to perform vital maintenance jobs on your Simi Valley rental homes. Summer is the best time to clean those chimneys and reduce the possibility of fire hazards down the road for rental properties with fireplaces – before the cold weather comes and makes chimney cleaning much more problematic.

With frequent usage, the interior of a chimney gathers soot and creosote layers. A chimney fire could occur if enough layers have built up, which can cause damage to the chimney and potentially spread to the entire home. Even though the last thing you or your residents want is to set your rental house on fire, chimney cleaning is not always included on regular maintenance plans. Because of this, the correct property management company can be all that separates a disaster waiting to happen and a safe, protected rental property.

Professionals in the industry recommend that you get all chimneys inspected once a year. It’s important to keep tabs on that soot layer so that you can rest assured in the safety of your rental home. The frequency of chimney cleaning depends on the level of use, so it may be years before a chimney should be cleaned. The amount of time between necessary cleanings can result in chimneys being overlooked, with issues only recognized once a resident has tried to light a fire in the fireplace. When it’s cold outside and your residents have a house full of smoke— that would be the worst time to work on chimney issues.

Rather than dealing with liability issues or pricey repairs after a fire has already happened, it makes sense to schedule regular inspections and cleanings for the chimneys of your rental properties. Getting proper maintenance at the right time of year will ensure that your Simi Valley residents can benefit from that cozy winter fire safety.

At Real Property Management Ventura County, we recognize the potential hazards concerning neglected chimneys. That is why we offer inclusive maintenance plans that are going to protect your investment while giving you total peace of mind. With our competitive pricing and guarantees, you can be confident that the right people are handling your property. Would you like to learn more? Please contact us online or call us at 805-387-3682 for additional information.